Clock-In PIN
There is no PIN code today.
Text-Based Adventure Games: Multi-User Dungeons [MUDs]
Standards & Benchmarks
- 29.0 Categorize the different gaming genres. The student will be able to:
- 29.01 Research, compare and categorize the different gaming genres.
- 29.02 Analyze examples of different gaming genres.
- 29.03 Define and use the necessary vocabulary related to gaming and the different genres.
Essential Questions
- What will you do today to be better than you were yesterday?
Mise En Place [~2-3 Minutes]
Every day you should:
- Login to DCPS OneView.
- Read your DCPS e-mail.
- Follow any additional instructions from the teacher.
Instruction [~5-10 Minutes]
I have taken today off for a family engagement. There is no meeting online BUT YOU HAVE WORK TO COMPLETE.
Work Period [~30-45 Minutes]
Students will need to complete the Student Self-Evaluation Survey [1st Quarter].
Today students will have an opportunity to play and analyze a text-based adventure game commonly known as a MUD or Multi-User Dungeon. It is a game that allows multiple players to join a fantasy or science-fiction based world to explore, adventure, and sometimes fight monsters or other players. Please click this link to access the Let's Play: MUDs tutorial videos. If you are using your own computer, start with the installing TinTin++ video. If you are using a school computer, start with the Installing PuTTY Portable video. Then all students should move on to Part 1: The Basics and continue from there.
After you have played for at least 30 minutes please complete the Let's Play: MUDs Survey.
Complete the Chase the Pizza Tutorial.
Previous (Late) Assignments
None at this time.
Break Down [~5 Minutes]
Before you leave please do the following::
- BACKUP your data in at least two locations.
- RESTART the computer.
- TURN OFF the monitor.
- COLLECT your materials.
- WAIT quietly to be dismissed.
- PUSH in your chair when you leave.
- THROW away any trash in the trashcan as you leave.
Finish any class work not completed during the period.
Read for fun, at least 20 minutes.